😀 Our Film! 🥸

Hey bloggers!

Today I am sharing my film festival film. I made this with my friends Lyla, Sophie, and Emme. It is called “Channel 4 News.” We worked really hard on this to make it a funny fun film. The hardest bit was probably getting people organised because everyone was mucking around.

My favourite part in our film was a scene where we did an ad for a ninja course. It was just very fun.

Click on this image to watch the film!

What was your film about? And if you didn’t do one and did have to do one, what would it be about.

Blog you later, Nora 🌿

4 thoughts on “😀 Our Film! 🥸

  1. Fakalofa lahi atu Nora! I really enjoyed making this with you.
    I agree that there was ALOT of mucking around, and that it was very annoying but I still love that we could all make the film together.
    My film is your film.
    What was your favorite part when making the film?
    Blog ya later, Lyla!🤪

  2. Kia Ora Lyla! Nora here.
    Thank you for your comment.
    Yeah, even with the mucking around I loved making a film with you and am sad we can’t make one together next year. I said up there, my favourite part was the ninja course scene. That was really funny and fun.
    Thanks again for your comment!
    Blog you later, Nora 🌿

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