😵‍💫fIbOnAcCi SpIrAl!!!💥

Kia Ora bloggers!

I have been working very hard to make this. And when I say very hard, I mean VERY hard. When all of the class was playing games I would be working hard to make mine look as good as possible. So, I hope you enjoy it! Here’s a picture:

Do you like it? The spiral is something! Guess! The answer will be in the comments below!

Blog you later, Nora 🌿


Kia Ora bloggers.

The last ponder of our novel, the boy in the girls bathroom. I really like that book so I am pretty sad that it is over. I think that if someone explained what it was about to me I would think that it was pretty alike to other books and maybe a bit samey. But now that I’ve read the book I really like it.

I think that the parts where Carla and Bradley meet up are the best. Its really sweet to see how Bradley goes from hating Carla and being really rude to agreeing with Carla and sharing his feelings with her. The best bit is when he goes from no shaking her hand to willingly shaking her hand.

Really sorry for the short post!

Do you agree with me?

Blog you later, Nora 🌿

🤯BITGB Ponder 8!!!🥳

Kia Ora bloggers! Today our teacher sent us this weeks ponder. Here is the question:

Here is my answer:

I think that Carla felt sad about sending the letter to Bradley, but also felt that it was the right thing to do. She did sound disappointed when she wrote that she didn’t see him on Friday or Saturday, but she knew that he wasn’t coming and she had to leave.

I think the same with Bradley, he was sad but he knew it was the right thing to do. My class hasn’t read the bit after that with Bradley’s reaction, but I think that he might feel guilty because he missed her and she left.

Sorry for the rushed post!

Do you agree with anything I have said?

Blog you later, Nora 🌿

🌺 BOOK PONDER 7777777⚡

Kia Ora bloggers! Today our teacher sent us this ponder. Here is the question:

Here is my answer:

I think that Bradley talks to his animals because he is lonely, and doesn’t have any friends. Humans judge him, but with animals, he can control them and have them agree with him and like him. I think Ronnie was just a toy before he met Carla, but overtime, she turned into Carla. Ronnie helps him, and gives him nice advice.

What do you think about who Ronnie is? Do you agree with me, or disagree??? Tell me in your comments below!!!

Blog you later, Nora 🌿


🫵 The Wonderful World Of Poetry! 🍓

Kia Ora Bloggers!

This term, we have been learning about poetry. Poems are short or small chunks of words, shorter than a story, but have the same base as a story. They describe a subject, and sometimes what a subject is doing. They can be special sometimes, like they can rhyme, have personification, or have wow words. They can be funny, beautiful, and much more!

Here is what I think is a good poem:

I agree with Megan, because over this process of reading poems, I’ve discovered that all poems don’t have to rhyme. They do have to have certain rules though. They have to be short, and have something special about them. They can rhyme, have personification, have fantastic words, but poetry can really be whatever the writer wants.

What do you think? Do you agree with me?

Blog you later, Nora 🌿

🔥 Boy In The Girls Bathroom Ponder 6!!! 🐝

Kia Ora Bloggers! Today our teacher sent us this weeks ponder.

Here is the question:

I think that Bradley could stop being a monster by stopping thinking he’s a monster, stopping thinking that his reputation is a monster. He could also be a bit kinder to people, and think before he speaks. He could completely turn around what people think he is. When people are rude to him, (Which they are 🙁 ) he doesn’t have to be rude back.

What do you think? Do you think Bradley is getting better from his therapy sessions with Carla?

Blog you later, Nora 🌿

😵‍💫 Boy In The Girls Bathroom… Ponder 5!!!🍄

Kia Ora Bloggers! Today our teacher sent us a ponder. Here is the question:

Here is my answer:

I think that one small thing might have happened that involved Bradley long ago, and then teachers have also been mistrustful and a bit rude to Bradley ever since. I think that teachers aren’t particularly nice to him, an example was when Jeff was new Mrs Ebbels said that he doesn’t want to sit next to Bradley. Also, when he is in the halls, teachers wonder what he was doing even though he normally has a hall pass. Carla is very good at tricking people, but not in an unkind way, in a way that can make people share their feelings. I think Bradley definitely has the right to feel all those things, but not say them. That wouldn’t be very kind.

What do you think? (In short words, of course…)

Blog you later, Nora 🌿